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Men's Fellowship

Men’s Fellowship gathers to socialize and share a monthly Sunday morning breakfast.  They also participate in organizing and running special church events, including the snack bar at the annual church fair and most of the BBQ events that take place throughout the year.  Please join us!  Check the calendar for our next event or call the church office for more information.


Women's  Fellowship

Women’s Fellowship is open to all women in the church.  

We host several fundraisers, social events, and worship activities throughout the year. The leadership is made up of a volunteer group, so new ideas are always welcome.


At left: Jan Krohn serves cake at the 300th Church Anniversary Celebration.


The M&Ms
(Monday Morning Group)

The M&M's get together on Monday mornings to work on needlecraft projects and socialize.  If you don't have a project to work on, just bring yourself!  Everyone is welcome to join in the fun. Come for 15 minutes or two hours -- whatever works for you.  

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