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We seek to be a Christian community by worshiping God through prayer, music and the proclaimed Word. Following Christ’s example, we enthusiastically reach out to everyone with compassion, respect and love so that we may grow in faith and commitment together.


Worship God, serve our neighbors, share God’s love.

At the Church of Christ, Congregational we don’t require creeds or confessions. Belief for us is more of a way of being in the world.  We recognize that faith is a journey and a life-long process.  It is a way of walking in the world with God and practicing the way of life that Jesus modeled. We hear scripture as the word of God given to guide us and inspire us. We encourage deeper thought and engagement with God’s word and the world around us. We believe that Holy scripture, tradition, reason and experience all work together to help us grow and develop into mature Christians.  We seek to live our faith in community, with encouragement and accountability.


While we are a non-creedal church, we do have guiding documents and principals such as our Church Constitution, Church Covenant (see our constitution, p. 4), and the UCC Statement of Faith.  Here are a few excerpts --





"We believe in God, the Eternal Spirit, who is made known to us in Jesus our brother, and to whose deeds we testify." 

          - From the UCC Statement of Faith


“We make the faith of Jesus Christ our Way and Truth and Life; We crave the Grace of God that was in Christ to save us; We seek the Light of God to guide us all our days; We pray that we may love as Christ also loved.”

          - From our Church Covenant  


"We believe in religious freedom, and we respect the rights of individuals to discern God’s will for their lives. Guided by the Holy Spirit and with the support of other committed Christians, we strengthen and energize one another in our personal faith journeys."

          - From our Church Constitution

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See below for more information on our roots as Congregationalists and on the United Church of Christ (UCC), of which we are a part. 


We hope that you will visit and experience our church first hand. 


We think you will feel at home with our relaxed, warm welcome and worship experience.  Feel free to make an appointment with Rev. James Admans to discuss any questions and to find out how you can make the Church of Christ, Congregational your church home. 


The Church of Christ, Congregational is steeped in history.  It was founded in Millis, then part of Medway, more than 300 years ago.  Indeed, our Congregational tradition dates back to sixteenth-century England.  


As Congregationalists, we believe in religious freedom, and we respect the rights of individuals to discern God’s will for their lives.  We believe in empowering individuals to discover and develop their own faith. Guided by the Holy Spirit and with the support of other committed Christians, we strengthen and energize one another in our personal faith journeys. We seek a balance between freedom of individual conscience and accountability to one another and to our Christian faith.


We exist within the United Church of Christ (UCC), the largest Protestant denomination in Massachusetts.  UCC churches live in covenant with one another in order to share resources and carry out God's work as a unified body of Christ. 


Each church is self-supporting and retains its freedom to make its own decisions, handle its own finances, and call its own leaders.  Each member has a vote and a voice in the running of the church, and acts in accordance with the collective decisions of its members.

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The symbol of the United Church of Christ comprises a crown, cross and orb enclosed within a double oval bearing the name of the church and the prayer of Jesus, “That they may all be one” (John 17:21).


It is based on an ancient Christian symbol.  The crown symbolizes the sovereignty of Christ. The cross recalls the suffering of Christ, his arms outstretched, for the salvation of humanity.

The orb, divided into three parts, reminds us of Jesus’ command to be his witness to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). The verse reflects our commitment to restore unity among the separated churches of Jesus Christ. 


The rainbow colors indicate that we welcome all and are an Open & Affirming congregation and are a safe haven for the LGBTQ community.   

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“A Just World for All”


The words “A Just World for All” summarize the purpose, mission, and vision statements adopted by the national body of the UCC in 2017 --


Purpose: To love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength and our neighbor as ourselves.


Mission: United in Spirit and inspired by God’s grace, we welcome all, love all, and seek justice for all.


Vision: United in Christ’s love, a just world for all.




Additional information on the UCC can be found here

Our Foundations
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All are welcome here.  We are an Open & Affirming Congregation.


There is a ramp from the parking lot and an elevator is available.   The sanctuary is fully accessible.


We are a member of the United Church of Christ.


Church of Christ, Congregational

142 Exchange Street

Millis, MA  02054






Church office hours:

Wed & Fri 10:00-3:00pm

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