An Open & Affirming Congregation
Worship God, Serve our neighbors, Share God’s love.
Church Office Hours - Wed & Fri 10:00am-3:00pm
142 Exchange Street
Millis, MA
​Worship services are held in-person on Sundays at 10:00 am. You may also attend the livestream via Zoom.​
Our bulletin for worship can be found here.​​
"Jesus said nothing about homosexuality, but in word and deed he said a lot about love and justice."
As an Open & Affirming congregation, we welcome people of all sexual orientations and gender expressions into the full life of our church.
"Open & Affirming" is a designation offered to churches that undertake a process of learning and reflection, culminating in a formal commitment of welcome.
Jesus said nothing about homosexuality, but in word and deed he said a lot about love and justice, and we firmly believe that the Holy Spirit moved our church in this direction, as seen in the many people who participated in the process and offered us their heartfelt personal stories.
The Open & Affirming designation is a beacon of welcome for the LGBTQ community, which is still the most widely discriminated against group by churches today. Letting people know we're Open & Affirming eliminates the guesswork for anyone wanting or needing some reassurance that they will be sincerely welcomed. And knowing it in advance might just bolster someone's courage to simply step foot inside our doors.
It's more than just words on paper. It is a testament to what and who we stand for. It is our covenant, our promise, of welcome and acceptance.
Of course, we welcome all people! For that reason, we broadened the scope of our statement of welcome to make that intention clear. We also included our church's core values, which are the elements we find essential to our church identity. They're highlighted in bold text. Taken as a whole, our Welcoming Statement details our commitment and promise of welcome and is a testament to what and who we stand for.
This Christian congregation is grounded in our faith in God and each other. We strive to provide spiritual nurture in a secular world through worship and service, as well as in fun and laughter.
Our outreach and welcome puts “love your neighbor as yourself” into practice through our extravagant hospitality, inclusivity, and by “living church” both within and beyond the walls of our sanctuary, following our Safe Church policies.
We strive to interact with honesty and care, and to speak the truth in love.
Our children matter, and we embrace our shared future by teaching and learning from one another, and by being nimble and responsive to needs as they emerge.
Our church family's love for one another is expressed in these ways.
In faithfulness to our Christian heritage, we promise to provide programs, ministries, and pastoral care to all who seek God in this place.
You are welcome here...
...if you are 3 days old, 30 years old, or 103 years old;
...no matter your skin tone or nationality;
...if you are a United States citizen, a United States resident, an undocumented immigrant, or a refugee;
...no matter your sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression;
...if you are single, married, widowed, divorced, separated, or partnered;
...if you are fully-abled, or are living with physical or mental challenges;
...if you were raised in another religion or have never set foot in a house of worship;
...if you have ever had medical struggles and/or addictions;
...if you have ever had legal trouble or a criminal record; or
...if you own a home, rent, live with your parents, or are homeless.
Come with your gifts, your pain, your joys, your fears, your hope.
You are welcome here!